The costs for the whole Contact Time festival (April 28th to May 4th 2025), accommodation and mostly organic food are 420-500€ depending on how much you can pay. We are aware that the amount is much higher than last year. It’s due to the length of the festival (1 day more than last year) and the much higher costs for food.
The price for the Landing into Contact Time (April 23rd to 27th 2025) is 15€ per night plus 10€ for food per day. (It will be bought collectively but prepared self managed).
During the festival, Yentl, our wonderful cook, will prepare delicious vegan and vegetarian meals from mostly organic and locally sourced ingredients.
If you have any allergies, please let us know beforehand.
During Landing into Contact Time we will manage the cooking as a group or individually.
Apesar dos nossos esforços para aprender português e devido à diversidade linguística dos convidados que visitam o SerVivo, o inglês internacional será utilizado para ensinar durante o Tempo de Contacto. A página web e as descrições estão, portanto, todas em inglês. Obrigado pela vossa compreensão e vamos misturar línguas e culturas uma vez juntos.
Despite our efforts to learn Portuguese and due to the linguistic diversity of guests visiting SerVivo, international English will be used to teach during Contact Time. The webpage and descriptions are therefore all in English. Thanks for your understanding and let’s blend languages and cultures once together.
Dates & Times
Landing into Contact Time starts on Wednesday April 23rd noon.
Contact Time festival starts on Monday April 28th 5pm.
We invite you to arrive latest in the early afternoon and take your time to land in SerVivo. The first common meal will be dinner.
The festival ends on Sunday May 4th afternoon.
Please understand that there is no possibility to stay an extra night. SerVivo needs a clear ending of the event to have a happy rest after.
Where to find us
All details how to find SerVivo here:
Scroll down for a detailed directions.
You are welcome to bring your own tent, sleeping bag and mat and camp outside. Be aware that it can be cold at night.
If you would like to sleep in the house, we can offer you a space in a dormitory (bunk beds for 6-8 people per room).
What to bring
- Comfortable clothes for movement in- and outdoors
- Sun protection
- Mosquito repellent
- Swimming suit
- Towel
- Bottle for drinking water
- A food box to take lunch to the beach
- Torch
- Enough clothes we cannot do laundry!
- Warm cloth, yes it might get chilly at night…
After having sent the registration form please pay a deposit of 80€ to:
Jennie Zimmermann, Johannes Bruhn
IBAN: DE70 2802 0050 8227 7419 00
Subject: Deposit Contact Time
Amount: 80€
If the transfer costs you a big fee, don’t do it and let us know, we will find a different solution.
Should you cancel until two weeks before the festival (which we do not hope, of course), we will transfer you 70€ back. Should you cancel later, we keep the deposit. If you cancel less than 48h prior the festival, you are obliged to pay the full festival price.
Before the festival we will send out more information.
Do you have questions?
This timetable gives you an overview about the structure, details will be added. There might be changes.